WONCA SIG Policy Advocacy Webinar - June 22nd

Webinar June 22nd. SIG Policy Advocacy WONCA (SIGPA)

Title – Setting our priorities for the next biennium – what will help WONCA most?


The SIGPA was set up in the last biennium, aiming to build capacity for policy advocacy by family doctors at national and local level We have run webinars, shared evidence on how to handle power and create change, and heard from colleagues who have been advocates through WONCA and their other roles. We know that educational events are valuable, and also that people like to have the chance to apply their learning to their own situations. With the next WONCA Conference in October, all SIGs and WPs are expected to create a programme of work, and so we want to use the June webinar to share some ideas about priorities for our SIG, and get your views. This in itself is a learning exercise – how to decide what matters most, and how to act on it! So join us.


To accommodate different time zones, we shall run two webinars – 

0700 – 0830 UTC (0800 – 0930 UK) -  Register HERE
and 1600-1730 UTC - Register HERE

Chairs – Amanda Howe and Shabir Moosa

Panel speakers  - to give us their views on what can work, and what to prioritise to help family doctors be effective advocates for their patients and teams, their services and communities, and their health systems, we welcome 

Dr Florian Stigler (Austrian family physician, also convenor of the “Global Forum on UHC & PHC” Forum; and Dr Sankha Randenikumara YDM Representative on WONCA Executive.


The Chair and panellists will start the webinar with brief presentations and then questions. We will go into breakout rooms for 20 minutes and then come back to continue the wider debate. The Chair will summarise “take-home points” that will help the SIGPA Exec to form a further proposal, which will then be shared on the Portal so members can feed back ahead of October, when programme can be finalised. 

Specific questions to start you thinking – “What do I most need from the WONCA SIGPA to help me be effective as a family doctor? How can we make the advocacy efforts of our national family medicine association more effective? What would I like them to do over the next 2 years? Who else needs to be involved for this to work?” 

See you soon!