A Renewed Call: Updates on the 30 by 2030 Campaign

December, 2023

The ’30 by 2030’ campaign calls for development partners explicitly to assign 30% of their health funds towards building and improving primary care systems, to deliver integrated, comprehensive primary care services by 2030. By doing this, countries will have a far greater chance of achieving Universal Health Coverage, which is our global goal. In addition to the call to development partners, the 30by2030 campaign recommends analysis and awareness of the long-term impact of continued vertical programmes on health systems.

It has been three years since the 30 by 2030 campaign was first launched with an article in the WHO Bulletin (read here). in which both the Past President Dr Donald Li and now Immediate Past President Dr Anna Stavdal collaborated. 

In November 2020, Dr Donald Li, WONCA Past President, delivered a message urging individuals engaged in development partnerships to be mindful of the 30 by 2030 campaign. Whether serving as advisors, consultants, grant recipients, or working within Ministries of Health seeking funding, Dr. Li emphasized the importance of awareness and adherence to the campaign's principles. Dr Li's message underscored the need for a collective commitment and encouraged stakeholders to leverage their influence and energy in a concerted effort to contribute.  to the realization of the campaign's objectives. 

Since then, a lot has been going on in the world of primary health care.

International promotion

On the 23rd of October 2023, the “International Conference on Primary Health Care Policy and Practice: Implementing for Better Results” took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. This conference was also a celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Alma-Ata and the 5th anniversary of the Astana declarations. Prof Jan De Maeseneer attended this conference and had the honor to speak on a plenary session on PHC to Advance Health and Disease-Specific Objectives. He delivered a powerful message on the importance of integrated health services and primary care taking the lead in health systems reform. Click on the image to watch his full speech:

Prof Jan De Maeseneer's speech in Astana 2023 from 30by2030 campaign on Vimeo.

Spread the word!

We have 430 signatures in our petition at the moment. The goal is to get to 500 signatures in the next months! Share our campaign with your colleagues, partners and collaborators, let’s make our message reach higher!

WONCA's Immediate Past President and WHO Liaison Reflect on 30 by 2030

Your signature matters!

To succeed in our advocacy for Primary Care and Family Medicine, WONCA members all over the world must raise their voices.

In 2020 WONCA and partners launched the “30 by 2030 Campaign”, as a follow up of the Astana meeting in 2018. In October this year WHO organized the Astana+5 meeting, reinforcing the global agreement that Primary healthcare (PHC) is a cornerstone of Universal Health Coverage (UCH).

The “30 by 2030 Campaign” can prove to be a powerful tool in WONCA`s advocacy, on the local/national level as well as on the global levels. How powerful depends on the number and geographical distribution of signatures.

Sign the petition!

Anna Stavdal
WONCA Immediate Past President
WHO Liaison