Save the date for WONCA Europe Conference 2024!

We are delighted to invite you to attend the 29th WONCA Europe Conference, which will take place in Dublin, Ireland, from 25 to 28 September, 2024.

The main theme of the conference is “The Changing nature of Family Medicine - Cultivating the Future". Our sub-themes address many of the continuing and emerging issues faced by general practice/family medicine daily.

So, mark your calendars for WONCA Europe Conference 2024, and stay tuned for updates on the submission and registration processes. We look forward to seeing you in Dublin next year!

Welcome Message

WONCA Europe Conferences can influnece the Future Nurture our Future Today!

We are looking forward to greeting you in Dublin this year and appreciate this opportunity to bring you all together to share expertise, experiences and enthusiasm about general practice/family medicine.

The Changing nature of Family Medicine - Cultivating the Future

Globally, we acknowledge that healthcare is continually evolving. Family Medicine in Europe must respond to the changing sands of healthcare systems and to both the static and changing needs of patients. WONCA Europe member organisations need to address the needs of their members who as doctors operate at the frontline, as academics, in leadership roles within health services, in policy-making and influencing roles in allied organisations. Enhancing communication and working relationships within practices, within primary care and across the multiple interfaces that exist between general practice and other sections of European health services is a critical element of improving the quality of care that family medicine delivers to the population of Europe. We must strive for the highest quality of safe care possible for all patients.

We have given genuine consideration to the keynote speakers ensuring a balance on many fronts – gender, age, geography, topic and discipline. Our keynote and plenary speakers will provide a variety of thought-provoking, entertaining and informative sessions. These will be a mix of conventional keynote speeches in addition to a panel discussion on the doctor’s voice and an experiential session from the patient perspective.

Our sub-themes address many of the continuing and emerging issues faced by general practice/family medicine daily. Who knew in February 2020 when we submitted our bid and included a keynote speaker on AI in healthcare that it would be so topical!

The Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) has hosted a number of very successful international conferences in the past - let us host you so you can join your thinking and energy together with colleagues to create an inspiring conference in Dublin in 2024.

We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin!